Terms and Conditions

This website belongs to Centenario Group; whose parent company is INVERSIONES CENTENARIO S.A.A. (hereinafter CENTENARIO). Anyone who accesses, registers and/or uses this website will be identified for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions as “User”, either singular or plurals. The use of this website by any User who accesses it is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

The User, at the time of using this website and/or registering, declares to have carefully read these Terms and Conditions, which are legally binding. In this sense, the User declares to agree to these Terms and Conditions, as well as their modifications and updates thereto. The sole access of the User to this website means their consent to the above.

CENTENARIO reserves the right to review and update these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time and in its sole discretion. Any modification will enter into force on the day of its publication, unless another effective date is expressly stated. If the User continues visiting this website, after the publication of any modification, it is understood that he/she has agreed to said changes. These Terms and Conditions were last updated in March 2020.

CENTENARIO has divided these Terms and Conditions into the following four groups:

  • I. Privacy Policy (Personal Data Protection).
  • II. Intellectual property and copyright (prohibition to use contents, designs and other elements of this website).
  • III. Exclusion of Liability (for any damage to equipment or programs arising from any computer virus or any other circumstance directly or indirectly related to access to CENTENARIO’s website).
  • IV. Cookie management.



This privacy policy (hereinafter “Policy”) aims to inform Users how INVERSIONES CENTENARIO S.A.A., with National Taxpayer Registry 20101045995, located at Av. Víctor Andrés Belaunde 147, Vía Principal, Edificio Real Cuatro, Piso 2, San Isidro, Lima, and its subsidiaries, process and use the personal information collected through the following websites:









CENTENARIO collects the following information:

  1. Personal data voluntarily provided by the User when filling out contact sheets, registration forms, among others, which are found on CENTENARIO’s or its subsidiaries’ websites; and wheresoever the User is requested to provide their personal data such as first name, last name, ID card number, marital status, phone or cellphone number, email, address, among other information (hereinafter “Personal Data”).
  2. The information that is collected when the User visits the website, including: (i) Information on activities performed by the User while browsing and using the platform; (ii) The URL the User comes from (including those external to the website); (iii) The User’s most visited URLs (including those external to the website); (iv) IP addresses; (v) Browser used by the User; (vi) Information on operational aspects of the website, such as analysis of browsing statistics, internet traffic, among others; (vii) User Location. Likewise, in CENTENARIO’s premises or that of its subsidiaries where Wi-Fi is provided for free, information about the User’s browsing activities will be collected while said service is utilized.


The User hereby declares that the Personal Data provided is true, complete and accurate. The User is the sole responsible for the veracity, accuracy and validity of the Personal Data provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User hereby authorizes CENTENARIO and its subsidiaries to verify the veracity of the Personal Data based on information obtained from publicly available sources or entities specialized in the provision of said information.

CENTENARIO is not responsible for the veracity of the information provided by the User, and therefore disclaims all responsibility for any damage arising from the use of said information.


Pursuant to Law No. 29733, Personal Data Protection Law, and Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS, which approves its Regulations, User’s Personal Data will be incorporated into a database owned by CENTENARIO. The User hereby gives his or her express consent to include his or her data in said database.


User data is collected for the following purposes:

  1. To respond to requests, queries, suggestions and claims from current and potential customers of the different business units of Centenario Group.
  2.  To send the User advertisement, product and/or service promotions, surveys, event invitations, recruitment and business management campaigns, email marketing, discounts, physical and digital coupons, news and others, own and/or of third parties, through the email address and/or the physical address the User provided when registering with the various business units of Centenario Group. In the case that emails are sent, the User agrees to consider them as requested and not to label them as “spam” pursuant to the applicable regulations. In any case, a hyperlink shall be included in all emails so that the User can revoke their consent.
  3. To carry out internal studies on interests, behaviors and habits of Users in order to customize the content and communications to be sent to the User.
  4. To elaborate a personalized profile of the Users by enriching and unifying their information through its processing and interconnection with information obtained from different collection points of Centenario Group. Similarly, User Information will be segmented demographically to make an analysis on behaviors, preferences and buying tendencies, and to implement georeferencing strategies.
  5. To develop customer loyalty programs.
  6. To develop new products or break into new markets.
  7. To transfer or exchange User Information among the different business units of Centenario Group and develop communication and promotion lines for different interest groups, as well as cross-selling initiatives in order to cross-sectionally utilize the information collected in a business unit.
  8. To transfer User Information to strategic partners or suppliers of Centenario Group, such as operating companies or tenants located at Centenario Group shopping malls (so said companies are able to send information or advertisement on their own products and/or service), and to companies that provide services complementary to those of Centenario Group, such as data management companies or others.
  9. To carry out statistical and/or analytical studies on the operability and browsing experience of Centenario Group’s websites in order to improve User experience and also develop research on browsing and searching habits to improve the services provided online.
  10. In any premises of Centenario Group where Wi-Fi services are provided for free, User’s browsing behavior and data shall be analyzed while using the service.
  11. To transfer User Information to companies that provide cloud services abroad, for information processing, hosting, and storage purposes. It should be noted that such data processing is necessary to execute the current or potential contractual relationship between Centenario Group and the User.

At the time of using this website and/or registering through forms, the User authorizes and grants his or her consent, in a prior, free, express, and unequivocal way, for the treatment of his or her information, in accordance with the purposes described above.


CENTENARIO is aware of the high regard that the privacy of its customers and people interested in its services/goods/products and those of its subsidiaries has. Therefore, CENTENARIO is committed to respecting privacy and protecting confidentiality of private information and Personal Data. In this sense, CENTENARIO applies different security measures to prevent unauthorized access. However, CENTENARIO is not responsible for illegal interceptions or violations of its systems or databases by unauthorized people, nor the improper use of the information obtained from these means or for any illegitimate interference beyond its control.

Neither shall CENTENARIO be responsible for possible damages or losses arising from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, which are produced by causes beyond the control of the company; and delays or blockages in the use of the computer platform caused by deficiencies or overloading in the Data Processing Center, Internet system or in other electronic systems.


CENTENARIO agrees not to disclose or share User Information, without prior User consent, except for: (i) information requests from public authorities in the exercise of their duties and within the scope of their authority; (ii) information requests pursuant to court orders; and, (iii) information requests pursuant to legal provisions.


CENTENARIO respects the privacy of its Users, so it shall not share their information with third parties, except for its subsidiaries and authorized third parties in charge of processing Personal Data for CENTENARIO’s purposes described herein, which is expressly authorized by the User. Such authorized third parties are not allowed to use Personal Data for any other purpose.


The User is hereby informed that their right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose their personal data can be exercised pursuant to the terms set forth in current Peruvian legislation, by means of a request addressed to: derechosarco@centenario.com.pe.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, CENTENARIO shall retain some User Information to provide evidence for any claim against our company for responsibilities arising from the treatment of said information, whose storage term shall not exceed 25 years from the last consumer relationship.


CENTENARIO understands the importance of protecting children’s privacy, especially in an online environment. Therefore, this website is not designed for or targeted at minors. CENTENARIO will not voluntarily process Personal Data related to minors. If it is known that the Personal Data collected corresponds to a minor without authorization, the appropriate measures will be taken to delete this data as soon as possible.


We reserve the right to modify or update this Policy at any time if existing any change in the current, doctrinal, jurisprudential legislation, which shall be immediately published on Centenario Group’s websites. The User is recommended to periodically access the Web Privacy Policy found on the aforementioned websites.

If users do not give their consent under the terms set forth, it shall not be possible to respond their requests.


CENTENARIO maintains this website to provide information about its products and services, and as a means of business interrelation with its current and potential customers. The brands, trade names, reviews, graphics, photographs, drawings, designs and any other property, product and element that appear on this website, as well as the contents, are legally protected in favor of CENTENARIO or any of its subsidiaries in accordance with the legal provisions on industrial property, copyright, and any other applicable legal regulations. Consequently, they shall not be used, modified, copied, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any manner whatsoever, unless prior written permission from CENTENARIO.

The contents protected in accordance with the preceding paragraph include texts, images, illustrations, drawings, designs, software, music, sound, photographs and videos, and any other means or form of dissemination of content, information or knowledge.

The ideas, opinions, suggestions and comments sent spontaneously and without prior request by CENTENARIO’s Users, with regard to products, marketing plans or services, or any other type, will be freely used by CENTENARIO, if appropriate, for the development of new products or marketing plans. Such communications are not confidential and it is presumed that they are not protected by any regulation concerning copyright or intellectual property, and therefore, the User who sends such information may not claim any compensation or participation by virtue of the legitimate commercial use that CENTENARIO make of them. If the information is protected by some type of regulation on copyright or intellectual property, the spontaneous communication to CENTENARIO shall be understood as a total and irrevocable waiver of the moral and property rights and privileges granted by such regulations and the transfer thereof to CENTENARIO. In any case, whether the information provided is protected or not, it shall become and remain property of CENTENARIO, that is, CENTENARIO shall not treat this information as confidential and the user who sends the information shall not file a judicial or extrajudicial claim for using such information. Likewise, the User shall not be entitled to any payment by virtue of the use of the information so provided.


The material and technical elements hereof may include errors and technical failures, therefore, each User’s visit shall be at their own risk. Neither CENTENARIO nor the third parties involved in the design, administration, and updating of this website shall be responsible for the damages that Users may eventually suffer directly or indirectly, or as a consequence of accessing or using this website. CENTENARIO does not guarantee that the access to this website is permanent or free of errors, computer viruses or any other harmful components. Consequently, CENTENARIO shall not be liable for the damages arising from the use of this website, caused, among other circumstances, by the use or lack of access to this website or linked websites (“links”), failures in this website performance, errors therein, omissions, interruptions, delays in operation or transmission, failures in the line, and the like.

CENTENARIO carefully selects the links to other websites accessed through our site, but disclaims responsibility for their content or the technical aspects, especially if it is taken into account that such content varies from time to time. Consequently, such sites shall be accessed through this website at the sole and exclusive risk and responsibility of the User.

CENTENARIO does not guarantee, either expressly or implicitly, the contents of this website, nor their functional elements. In particular, it does not guarantee that:

  1. The functional elements of this website are uninterrupted or error-free.
  2. Errors are corrected.
  3. The server of this website, or the one of the linked ones (“links”) by means of which they make available this website or those, are free of viruses or other harmful components.
  4. The result of your visit and that of the activities carried out as a result of your visit are completely satisfactory.


Cookies are small text files that a web server sends to your computer, which helpprovide a better care regarding our products and/or services. Cookies from one session remember the activity that you carried out previously, for example, an item that you put in your shopping cart. Persistent cookies save your preferences for many sessions, for example, customizing definitions on our websites. They may also be used to show targeted notices and recommendations, for example, to not show you the same ads several times, or to show you ads that are of your interest based on your past activities on our website. Cookies are also used to determine the effectiveness of our promotions and advertising campaigns or those of our subsidiary companies.

CENTENARIO may use visit counters (called tracking images or “pixel tags”) on some of its websites. However, we do not use them for personal identification of Users. Visit counters (web beacons) are generally graphic images that are placed on a website and are used to count visitors or to access certain cookies. This information is used to improve our services. Visit counters normally do not collect information other than what your browser provides us as a standard part of any internet communication. If you disable cookies, the visit counter will no longer be able to specifically track your activity. However, it can continue collecting information about visits made from your IP address.

Some of CENTENARIO’s websites or applications may use so-called locally stored objects, such as Flash’s local shared objects (“Flash cookies”) or HTML5 local storage. Locally stored objects are used for purposes similar to those of cookies, but they can generally contain a greater amount of data other than that of browser cookies.

Most browsers allow you to disable or enable the use of cookies. You can also delete cookies from your computer if your browser allows it. If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of our services and it may be necessary to reinstall the opt-out cookie.

If you reject or delete browser cookies on this website, we shall not be able to maintain your preferences; some characteristics of the websites shall not be operative; we shall not be able to offer you customized services; and each time you browse this website, we shall have to ask you again your authorization for the use of cookies.

The continued browsing of our website without denial of authorization, implies that you agree to its use.